diumenge, 17 de juny del 2018


I think that during these two years I've improved a lot with my English.  A proof of that is that if I compare the first posts I made with the new ones there's such a difference between them. When I was in 3rd of ESO, my vocabulary was quite simple, and I made some grammatic mistakes that I wouldn't do them now. The posts were shorter than nowadays and I explain the news better than two years go. I've learnt a lot new words while I was writing these posts that's why every time I make them better.

Below, I'm gonna show you some more evidences of my best works during these years:


Serious humour

That was my best oral work because I had to act with one of my best friends and we did it very good, and also because the jokes we had to represent were funny for the public who was listening to us. We also dressed up as a doctor and a patient and that was cool too.


My best written work was a post I made in this blog and it was called "Do you think humour is necessary?". That was the best one I made because it was plenty of scientific vocabulary and a good writing grammar, and because of the fact that I needed to search a lot of news and information to write it, which added a plus in the essay.

dimarts, 5 de juny del 2018

Love song


What would I do without your smart mouth
Drawing me in, and you kicking me out
Got my head spinning, no kidding, I can’t pin you down
What’s going on in that beautiful mind
I’m on your magical mystery ride
And I’m so dizzy, don’t know what hit me, but I’ll be alright
My head’s under water
But I’m breathing fine
You’re crazy and I’m out of my mind
'Cause all of me
Loves all of you
Love your curves and all your edges
All your perfect imperfections
Give your all to me
I’ll give my all to you
You’re my end and my beginning
Even when I lose I’m winning
'Cause I give you all, all of me
And you give me all, all of you
How many times do I have to tell you
Even when you’re crying you’re beautiful too
The world is beating you down, I’m around through every move
You’re my downfall, you’re my muse
My worst distraction, my rhythm and blues
I can’t stop singing, it’s ringing, in my head for you
Cards on the table, we’re both showing hearts
Risking it all, though it’s hard

This song is related to what Romeo and Juliet feel for each other. The chorus of the lyrics makes me think of the scene when Romeo told Juliet he had to go away from Verona and and the day before of the banish when he spent all the night with her. Both characters can't live without having each other. It's like they are in completely love. 

How important is love in your life?

Love conversation with Cels

In this discussion I found out that not everybody has the same opinions when it comes to love. Talking with Cels I realised that he doesn't believe in love at first sight, that for him age difference isn't important in a couple, that in a date one person should pay what he/she spends, etc.

I found out also that we have so much in common when we discussed, for example, we both agree in the same characterists that our girl/boyfriend should have or we both said that being single has its own advantatges and it's not as bad as many people may think.

divendres, 1 de juny del 2018


The favourite summer I've never spend was the one I went in PortAventura two years ago. I went to this theme park with my family and my cousin, Carles. We went there because it was the third time we have gone and we liked it a lot, especially my sister and I. It was really fun to go there because we liked exciting activities like roller coasters.

I won't forget this experience!

Below, there's more information about the park:

PortAventura is located in Tarragona, and it's a place that when it's summer is very crowded and everywhere you look is full of tourists. The park is divided into five main zones: Mediterrania, Polinesia, China, México and The Far West. All these are very different to each other. For example, the Far West was the hotest and dryest part in the theme park while the Polinesia temperature was colder than all the others, and also all the buildings that made up each zone were very different from each other.

Resultado de imagen de portaventura


This summer is going to be very busy for me. I've never done so much activities in vacations as the ones I'm gonna do this summer. It's weird but, I'm feeling excited and stressed at the same time. Today I'm gonna tell you my plans for the following three months:

The first week of July, I'm going to an English course in the morning, where I'm gonna practise and learn this language in everday situations at EOI; and in the afternoon I'm going to a volleyball training that will finish at 20.00h.

Resultado de imagen de english

The next seven days, my volley team and I, we're gonna travel to Italy to make a competition against other international clubs. The 3rd and the 4th week of Juli, my family is going to stay in the south zone of Germany (Bavaria). Here we're gonna visit some interesting places such as the "schwarzwald" and the "neuschwanstein-castle".

Resultado de imagen de schwarzwald Resultado de imagen de neuschwanstein castle germany

In August, the 2nd and the 3rd weeks, I'm going to do a field work two with my friends in the Alt Urgell. During these days, we're gonna study the flora and fauna of there and we're gonna sleep everynight inside tents. That's going to be such a great experience!

Resultado de imagen de fieldwork

So that's the end of my summer plans... Hope I will have a good time!

That's the favourite number of almost all the population

Everybody, or almost all the people, has a favourite number. Having said that: which factors make us to prefer a number or antoher? Is there any number that is more popular than the rest?

These are some of the questions that wanted to answer the mathematic and writter Àlex Bellos. That's why he prepared an online survey form where he asked to the participants to choose a favourite figure. And which was the result? Number 7 was the clearly winner, followed by number 3 and number 8.

According to what Bellos thinks, the reason why we like so much this figure is because it's "special". "It's the only number between  2 and 10 that it's not multiple and a factor either  of any other number. And that it's a thing that distinguishes 7 from the rest"- claims in the "El Confidencial".

On the other hand, when we have to choose our favourite figure it also influences other emotional factors, such as our date of birth or the dates birth of our loved ones, for example. And you, which is your favourite number? :)

Imatge il·lustrativa


-Survey form: enquesta
-Figure: xifra
-Distinguish: distingir
-Loved ones: sers estimats
-Multiple: múltiple (número)

dijous, 31 de maig del 2018

Stay alert for a cyber-attack; that's what you must to avoid it

Imatge il·lustrativa

FBI, the north-american agency of inteligence, has recommend  to restart routers of all around the world because of the risk of a cyber-attack and to change the access password. This warning has been explicated this morning by a radio program called "El món a RAC1" and the same information has been also shared by the local police, els Mossos d'Esquadra, on Twitter.

The origin of this problem is the "infection" that a cybercriminals had thrown out to more than 500,000 devices in 54 countries. "With this action you will avoid to be a victimi of a cyber-attack", add the catalan police.

FBI believes that this attack could come from Russia and the responsibles of it aimed to compile users' information and to destroy devices, a part from use them as an antenna to amplify the attack. A threat that may finish with the connection of a zone or run all the routers againt a specific objective. Although FBI hasn't set which may be the motivations of the hackers, several media claim that their intention was to take profit of the Champions final to make a global cyber-attack.


Restart- reiniciar aparell electrònic
Throw out- lanzar
Devices- dispositius
Antenna- antena
Run- dirigir
Aim- tenir com a objectiu alguna cosa
Compile- recopilar

This girl changes her "look" and demostrates an awkward truth

Imatge il·lustrativa

Unfortuantely, our society is still plenty of stereotypes and labels. Nowadays, most of the people remain judging people by their gender, physique or simply by their look.

To demostrate that, a girl whose Twitter account was @Pilkunnussita, decided to get her hair cut off because otherwise it was so uncomfortable and she wanted also to know the reaction of others. According to what she said on social medias days ago, what more impacted her, was that after her radical change any boy moved closer to her. "This made me wonder if I became in someone less sexy and interesting, for the simple fact of shaving my hair" she wrote on Twitter.

Moreover, @Pilkunnussita alsa had to put up with all types of comments."You looked better before" or "you seem a lesbian now" were some examples. Not only that, at work people threatened her to get her hair long again because otherwise they would fire her. "All these comments only because I wanted to have less hair. I left my hair short as many men, but the difference is that with them there was any repercussion...", concludes the girl. All in all, we have to improve many aspects as a society.


Remain- continuar
Físic- pysique
Get your hair cut off/ Shave your hair- repar-se
Put up with- aguantar, suportar
Threaten- amenaçar

This curious sign of a public WC is going around the world

Imatge il·lustrativa

Public toilets sometimes aren't hygienic. And it's not because they aren't cleaned, but it's because the people who use them don't take care of them. There are persons who throw papers in the ground, don't pull the chain,... among other uncivilised manners.

That's why some companies decide to put signs reminding to users which attitudes they should avoid when they're in a public WC. Although logical warnings- throw out the residues in the garbage or to not draw the doors of the toilet- there are some of them that stand out.

One of them was found by @seculito, who wanted to share it on Twitter. In the sign, as you can see, points out that it's forbidden to peeing backwards and trying to do a good shot inside of the toilet. To be honest, it's a little bit weird, but if they decided to put this warning is for some good reason...


Pull the chain- tirar la cadena del lavabo
Manner- comportament
Sign- cartell
Stand out- cridar l'atenció
Point out- indicar

This is what makes men more attractive, according to the science

Imatge il·lustrativa

A study done by the Cambridge University and published this month in the scientific website of the Royal Society Open Science claims that the men's attractive is found in their limbs. In particular, researchers claim that boys with proportioned legs - the ones that measure a little bit more than the half of the boy's heigh- turn out to be more attractive.

According to the autor of the study, Thomas Versluys, society prefers men with proportioned limbs for a traditional question. Scientifics say that slim and long legs are associated in a good shape and in a good healthy state, two characteristics that which we all always have in mind when it comes to fall in love with someone.

Having said that, it's necessary to highlight that the investigation is only focused on the physical appearance and it doesn't include other relevant features. When you want to find someone the pysichal attraction is important, but it's not as outstanding as getting along with your partner or trusting in each other.


Claim- assegurar
Limbs- extremitats humanes
Researcher- investigador
Highlight- destacar
Physical appearance- aspecte físic
Outstanding- important
Having said that- ara bé


What will you do when grow older? What will be your job? Which are your future plans?

These are the typical questions the adults make us. Since we can speak, our parents, our family, our friends, have asked what we're gonna do when we become older. In my opinion, that's an unnecessary thing to ask now that we're young, because we're constantly learning new things everyday and we're changing our minds too. We are going through an unstable period of time where nothing is sure. Anything can change our lives forever from now on. We're not the same person as the one we were five years ago. It's our way of being.

File:Painting kid.jpg

In the last years I wanted to be the head of the Catalonia's government, but I hate politics. Now I would like to be an astronomer or a psychologist. Maybe in two years I will want to become a teacher! Who knows?!

Resultado de imagen de politics

This year I'm taking ESO, my final struggle to finish it, and probably next year I'm gonna do a scientific batxillerat in Carles Rahola's high school.  I'm going to study chemistry, biology, geology,... and so on. But, the only thing I have for sure in my future is that I'll live the happiest I can and I'll do my best in everthing!

Resultado de imagen de yolo

dimecres, 2 de maig del 2018

Do you think humour is necessary?

Have you ever wondered why the scientists tell us to smile every day? It's a simple action to do but, which are the benefits and which scientific explication do they have?

We all know that in our daily lives we laugh, at least once, and we also know that not alway our smiles are true. Sometimes we force a smile, as we can see at the DNI photo, maybe  we fake a smile in front of people who we don't really get along with, or a knowing smile when you and your friend understand each other without even talk.

But, what we don't know is that every time we laugh or smile, even if it's fake, our brains emit and order to produce special substances known as endorphins, related to morphine, that apart from relieve the pain, they protect our body from virus and bacterias, among other benefits.

Firstly, laughter can provide us with mental healthy benefits. It makes us more positive, optimistic and it helps us to find new ways of meaning and hope when we are depressed. Laughter increases our energy and allows us to see difficult situations in a more realistic view. These are the main reasons why the "therapeutic laughter therapy" has became this popular. This therapy involves grup or individual sessions that use shows, movies or stories to stimulate laughter and makes us happier.

Secondly, it can be used to treat heat conditions and high blood pressure and increases the number of antibody producing cells. Adding to that, laughter can strenghten immune system and it diminishes pain.

Thirdly, it improves social health benefits. It brings people together and strenghtens relationship. Why? Because laughter allows us to be more spontaneos, let go of defensiveness and express our true feelings. Moreover, humour is a key to success at work. If you ara a manager or an employee, you'll enjoy more your job: people will have a good time working with you, it helps creative thinking and build trust, it boosts morale plus allows your company to stand out.

"A day without laughter is a day wasted"


Endorphin- endorfina
Relieve- aliviar
Clinician- metge
Trigger- desencadenar
Postulate- proposar
Nurture- promoure
Ease- facilitat
Shift- moure, desplaçar
Boost morale- aixecar la moral
Approachable- amigable
Stand out- destacar

diumenge, 25 de març del 2018

Teens Dream Contest

This year, Laia Font and I, decided to participate in an international contest where you had to make a video related to the 30 ONU's goals. Why? Because we thought that that was a great opportunity to make our world better and to have a good experience with foreign people, so we decided to make a video about nowadays Christmas issues. In it, we added some solutions we found out to solve these problems, and thanks to that, thanks to our originality, we won the first place of our category. We were, and we still are, very proud of ourselves. We made a good team together using new technology to make a better video and we help what we explained with images, which were done by ourselves too.

One week later after we knew we won, the responsible of the competiton kept in touch with us to told us we would win 100$ and we could go to Washington five days to go in a winners' gala. These news made us happier! We couldn't believe what was happening.

This weekend, to speak with Linda (the responsible of the competition) and to get more information of what we are going to do once in the capital of the USA, we tried to skype with her, but unfortunately my Skype didn't work. Hopefully, my English teacher helped me to contact with her. It was such an exciting experience to talk with a native american!

diumenge, 4 de març del 2018

Two students were expelled from a Mataró's high school for sexual abuses to a minor

A girl from Mataró, who was fourteen, was a victim from sexual abuses, done it by two classmates. According to what ACN knows, the incidents happened on Friday 23rd of February and they were reported to the Catalonia's police, els Mossos d'Esquadra. The attackers took advantage of teacher's absence during a class changing to take the girl in front of the class. The high school which took place this event confirmed the facts and they announced the preventative expulsion of the two students. One of them is expelled one month, until the next 6th of April, while the other, who had a minor role, is expelled five days.

School's sources tell that a disciplinary record was opened againt the most troubled student, that could end with the definitive expulsion from this high school.

Moreover, the assault of Friday wasn't the first. Last November had starred a similar episode another girl, but in this case the victim's family didn't want to report it.


-Sexual abuses. abusos sexuals.
-Report: denunciar.
-Minor role: paper secundari.
-Record: expedient.
-Assault: agressió.

A girl find out that her father is not what she thought during a university class

A girl found out that her father was not what she thought in a biology class. That explained it a degree's classmate through social networks, as Daily Mail informed.

All started during a blood type's debate. The teacher was giving examples when a student- the protagonist of this news- interrupted him. The girl didn't understand how could be possible that her mother was of the type A, her father was of the type O and she was of the type AB instead. But, according to the theory, A and O can't have AB descendants.

The teacher, confused, asked to her that when she arrived at home she asked to her parents which blood type they had, because he was sure that there was a mistake. The student, as her teacher said, asked to her mother, who confessed that she had an affair with her uncle, that was the brother of her father. It's because of that that the blood type didn't fit in with what the student told.


-Blood type: grup sanguini.
-Debate: debat.
-Have an affair: tenir una aventura amb algú.

These are the 10 best cities of the world for teenagers, according to a new study

The millenials, the gereation borned between 1980 and 2000, it's charachterized not only for their control of the new technologies, but also for their traveller spirit. That was revealed for several studies during the last years, like the one published by the search's motor of Nestpick's lodgings.

In particular, this new analisys is focused on examinte 110 cities around the world to find what could offer each one to the millenials. To do it, they kept in mind different factors such as the price of the flats, the opportunities to find job, the immigrants' tolerance, the public transport, the party... The results situate Berlin as the best city for the young people, followed by Montreal and London. These countries are the top 10:

1. Berlin

2. Montreal

3. London

4. Amsterdam

5. Toronto

6. Vancouver

7. Barcelona

8. New York

9. Colonia

10. Manchester

-Reveal: revelar.
-Lodging: allotjament.
-Traveller spirit: esperit viatger.

The model who tricked thousands of followers on Instagram

In 2017 appeared on Instagram an account of a model called Shudu Gram. As times went by, the young girl started getting followers until become the image of popular brands, such as Rihanna's sports brand.

But, don't wait for her to walk by a catwalk because she's not real. As some people suspected- others had no idea-, Shudu  Gram is a supermodel created digitally by the photographer Cameron-James Wilson.

In fact, he's who sign the contracts of the "model" and answer her followers on Instagram. The photographer told to Metro.co that he was learning to design 3D images for graphic novels when he realize he could make his dream true: to create the model that he dreamed of.

This curious case has divided the social network into two different groups: the ones who applaud initiative of James Wilson for his "originality" and the others who criticise him to not contract a real model.

-Catwalk: passarel·la.
-Suspect: sospitar.
-Criticise: criticar.

Why- Sabrina Carpenter

I love listening to music and I'm used to listen english songs. Sometimes I can understand some verses but this song, the one I'm gonna translate know, I understand all the lyrics and I'm very proud of it. Here's the songs translated in Catalan:

PER QUÈ- Sabrina Carpenter

A tu t'agrada la ciutat de Nova York de dia
A mi m'agrada la ciutat de Nova York de nit
Dius que t'agrada dormir sense l'aire condicionat
Jo no, el necessito obert.
A tu t'agrada que la llum passi a través de la finestra
Jo m'adormo tard
Així que les tinc totes tancades
Tu ignores la música de la ràdio
Jo no, canto al ritme.

No et demano que canviïs
Carinyo, no, no, no
I tu no em demanes que canviï.

Diga'm com no som iguals
però funcionem tan bé
I ni tan sols sabem per què
És curiós com les estrelles s'alinean
Perquè funcionem tan bé
I ni tan sols sabem per què
O pot anomenar-ho foc i gel
Però funcionem tan bé
I ni tan sols sabem per què
Ni tan sols sabem per què, no, no
Ni tan sols sabem per què, no, no.

No, no, no, no
Ens agrada de dia
Ens agrada fins al final dels temps
No, no, no, no
Ens agrada de dia
Ens agrada fins al final dels temps.

Fa fred a fora i només portes una samarreta curta
Tinc la sang fred fins i tot amb un dessuadora
Comences amb la teva nit bebent per quilos
Jo no, sé que ho saps


D'alguna manera acabem del mateix costat
I tu no pensaves que estaríem bé
Fins i tot els nostres ulls són de diferents colors
Però veiem bé


Here are the original lyrics in English:

WHY- Sabrina Carpenter

You like New York city in the daytime
I like New York city in the nighttime
You say you like sleeping with the air off
I don't, I need it on
You like the light coming through the windows
I sleep late, so I just keep 'em all closed
You ignore the music on the radio
I don't, I sing-a-long
I don't ask for you to change, baby no no no
And you don't ask for me to change
Tell me how we're not alike
But we work so well and we don't even know why
Funny how the stars crossed right
'Cause we work so well and we don't even know why
You can call it fire and ice
But we work so well and we don't even know why
We don't even know why, no no
We don't even know why, no no no
No no no no
We like it in the daytime
We like it in the end of time
No no no no
We like it in the daytime
We like it in the end of time
Cold outside and you're just in a t-shirt
I have cold blood even in a sweater
You start your night sippin' by the kilo
I don't, I know you know
Somehow we end up on the same side
And you wouldn't think that we'd be alright
Even our eyes are different colors, but we see fine
Somehow we end up on the same side (up on the same side)
And you wouldn't think that we'd be alright (think that we'd be alright)
Even our eyes are different colors, but we see fine

Els secrets que mai no t'han explicat

That's the title of one of my favourite books. "Els secrets que mai no t'han explicat" is written by Albert Espinosa and it's a special book because it doesn't tell you a story, it's like an instructions manual that tells you how to be happy in this world. I know you are probably thinking that it is ridiculous because a book shouldn't tell you what you have to do to be happy, but  let me show you some advices that were written by this author. Before starting, you should forget all the things you've learned! They're pointless! These rules were created to be unhappy and to not complain. Here are some quotes of the book:

-Happiness doesn't exist; and try to find it is find something that doesn't exist. Happiness "evaporates" daily. What it does really exist is to be happy every day. That's why, instead of talking about happiness, we'll say: TO BE ALIVE MEANS TO BE HAPPY :)

I'm sure you have a lot of old problems,a big quantity of responsabilities that you don't want and all them stops you from being happy. What should you do? Follow these seven steps:

1. Discuss with yourself.
2. Get a solution.
3. Learn to say "no" (Main rule of the daily happiness)
4. Learn to say "yes" to other things (Act: too analysis brings to paralysis)
5. Forget your ego (Daily unhappiness)
6. Dance (Dancing, the problems are solved. Thinking creates more of them)
7. Change, jump, shout. Live with the body.


dissabte, 3 de març del 2018

Snow day 2018

Since 2010 it has never snowed before, and for the first time during eight years, in the 28th of February it snowed! I've been waiting this day for a long time! In fact, it snowed twice in this week.

The first time it was on Monday, while I was in Pont Major doing my volleyball training. I got very angry because I could't see it, and I really, really wanted to. When I arrived at my village all the snow was thawed. You can figure it out how I felt... Words can't explain it.

The second time it snowed was the best because I stayed at home and I didn't go to school! When I got up in the morning, and I looked through the window, I saw the snowflakes falling from the clouds and a white blanket covered all my garden and all the rooftops of the houses. It was awesome! And it was a big sorprise for me too, because I thought it would never snow anymore. After having breakfast, I called my neighbours, who are 17 and 18, to take some photos of us together in the snow. In less than ten minutes, they arrived at home and we took over fifty different photos! Here are some of them:

Video Teen Dream related to one of the 2030 UNESCO goals

Correction class composition

Dear mum and dad,

It's so great being here but at the beginning is hard to make friends. In Dublin all the people speak very quickly in English and is difficult to understand it and also communicat with them.

In the first class of the course they showed me how the classes are going to work, The content of the subjects is easy to learn but the point is to get what the teacher was saying. The classmates are very friendly so I really get along with them and in every afternoon they make me a tour around the city visiting the most important buildings and bars of the city.

The family I'm staying with are very polite and kind. They always ask me what I need or want and give it to me. They live in a beautiful street where all the houses look the same: white and big. They get up very early, even at the weekends, and I'm getting used to their schedule to have dinner at six o'clock. Morever, I thought they ate healty, but I was wrong. All they eat is pizza, hamburgers, sausages, chips and rarely any salad.

But that has also advantages, for instance, learning new ways to live and a new culture. The worst thing about being here is that I'm so far away from you and my old friends. I hope that you are all good.



Basic Competences corrected writings


My family and I had never travelled abroad before, and this summer, in July, we finally dedided to visit some greece islands by cruise. Unfortunately, we had to take a flight from Barcelona to Italy because the cruise started there. We went to Myconos, Santorini, Corfú and Atenas. They had a beautiful beaches with white sand plus the most cristal water I've ever seen. They were so crowded, though. The best of all was the stay in the cruise. The bedrooms were so elegant, the food was delicious and I really got along with the Indian waiters who were working in the restaurants and bars.

dijous, 11 de gener del 2018


"Wonder" is a shocking story of one little boy who has a facial deformity and what happened with him when he starts school for the first time. It's a great movie to watch with the kids between five and twelve, who are at this stage in their development when it's very important to make them learn the life's values. Also is recommendable to people of all kind of ages, because is one of the best moving films it has ever made.

Auggust, nicknamed Auggie, is a boy who was born different than the others: he had a facial deformity which didn't let him breath, speak and listen neither. Because of that, he has had several surggeries to make these thing work well and he has been homeschooled too, since now. Now that he's 10, his parents decide to take him to school. It's time to do what ordinary kids do. But, unfortunately, he's so shy and he doesn't want the other kids see his "ugly" face. What will happen on the Auggie's first day of school? Will he be bullyied or respected?

The best part of this film is how Auggie make his classmates feel about the way he is or he looks. Along the film, all the characters change their way to treat the others. They become better than they were at the beginning.

The worst part of the film is that there aren't any special effects and that the Auggies's actor face could be more real, because in the book they described his look more deformed than the movie. Also, in the book, the writer tell us a lot of Summer's personality and in "Wonder" we don't even know where she came.

Despite of what I said before, the film is full of enjoyable and lovely moments, and sometimes sad ones too, but it's how the life works, so I recommend you to watch this incredible, worth seeing and brilliant film, that will make you think of the way you have been treating the others.