dijous, 11 de gener del 2018


"Wonder" is a shocking story of one little boy who has a facial deformity and what happened with him when he starts school for the first time. It's a great movie to watch with the kids between five and twelve, who are at this stage in their development when it's very important to make them learn the life's values. Also is recommendable to people of all kind of ages, because is one of the best moving films it has ever made.

Auggust, nicknamed Auggie, is a boy who was born different than the others: he had a facial deformity which didn't let him breath, speak and listen neither. Because of that, he has had several surggeries to make these thing work well and he has been homeschooled too, since now. Now that he's 10, his parents decide to take him to school. It's time to do what ordinary kids do. But, unfortunately, he's so shy and he doesn't want the other kids see his "ugly" face. What will happen on the Auggie's first day of school? Will he be bullyied or respected?

The best part of this film is how Auggie make his classmates feel about the way he is or he looks. Along the film, all the characters change their way to treat the others. They become better than they were at the beginning.

The worst part of the film is that there aren't any special effects and that the Auggies's actor face could be more real, because in the book they described his look more deformed than the movie. Also, in the book, the writer tell us a lot of Summer's personality and in "Wonder" we don't even know where she came.

Despite of what I said before, the film is full of enjoyable and lovely moments, and sometimes sad ones too, but it's how the life works, so I recommend you to watch this incredible, worth seeing and brilliant film, that will make you think of the way you have been treating the others.

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