divendres, 1 de juny del 2018


This summer is going to be very busy for me. I've never done so much activities in vacations as the ones I'm gonna do this summer. It's weird but, I'm feeling excited and stressed at the same time. Today I'm gonna tell you my plans for the following three months:

The first week of July, I'm going to an English course in the morning, where I'm gonna practise and learn this language in everday situations at EOI; and in the afternoon I'm going to a volleyball training that will finish at 20.00h.

Resultado de imagen de english

The next seven days, my volley team and I, we're gonna travel to Italy to make a competition against other international clubs. The 3rd and the 4th week of Juli, my family is going to stay in the south zone of Germany (Bavaria). Here we're gonna visit some interesting places such as the "schwarzwald" and the "neuschwanstein-castle".

Resultado de imagen de schwarzwald Resultado de imagen de neuschwanstein castle germany

In August, the 2nd and the 3rd weeks, I'm going to do a field work two with my friends in the Alt Urgell. During these days, we're gonna study the flora and fauna of there and we're gonna sleep everynight inside tents. That's going to be such a great experience!

Resultado de imagen de fieldwork

So that's the end of my summer plans... Hope I will have a good time!

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