dijous, 31 de maig del 2018

This girl changes her "look" and demostrates an awkward truth

Imatge il·lustrativa

Unfortuantely, our society is still plenty of stereotypes and labels. Nowadays, most of the people remain judging people by their gender, physique or simply by their look.

To demostrate that, a girl whose Twitter account was @Pilkunnussita, decided to get her hair cut off because otherwise it was so uncomfortable and she wanted also to know the reaction of others. According to what she said on social medias days ago, what more impacted her, was that after her radical change any boy moved closer to her. "This made me wonder if I became in someone less sexy and interesting, for the simple fact of shaving my hair" she wrote on Twitter.

Moreover, @Pilkunnussita alsa had to put up with all types of comments."You looked better before" or "you seem a lesbian now" were some examples. Not only that, at work people threatened her to get her hair long again because otherwise they would fire her. "All these comments only because I wanted to have less hair. I left my hair short as many men, but the difference is that with them there was any repercussion...", concludes the girl. All in all, we have to improve many aspects as a society.


Remain- continuar
Físic- pysique
Get your hair cut off/ Shave your hair- repar-se
Put up with- aguantar, suportar
Threaten- amenaçar

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