diumenge, 4 de març del 2018

Why- Sabrina Carpenter

I love listening to music and I'm used to listen english songs. Sometimes I can understand some verses but this song, the one I'm gonna translate know, I understand all the lyrics and I'm very proud of it. Here's the songs translated in Catalan:

PER QUÈ- Sabrina Carpenter

A tu t'agrada la ciutat de Nova York de dia
A mi m'agrada la ciutat de Nova York de nit
Dius que t'agrada dormir sense l'aire condicionat
Jo no, el necessito obert.
A tu t'agrada que la llum passi a través de la finestra
Jo m'adormo tard
Així que les tinc totes tancades
Tu ignores la música de la ràdio
Jo no, canto al ritme.

No et demano que canviïs
Carinyo, no, no, no
I tu no em demanes que canviï.

Diga'm com no som iguals
però funcionem tan bé
I ni tan sols sabem per què
És curiós com les estrelles s'alinean
Perquè funcionem tan bé
I ni tan sols sabem per què
O pot anomenar-ho foc i gel
Però funcionem tan bé
I ni tan sols sabem per què
Ni tan sols sabem per què, no, no
Ni tan sols sabem per què, no, no.

No, no, no, no
Ens agrada de dia
Ens agrada fins al final dels temps
No, no, no, no
Ens agrada de dia
Ens agrada fins al final dels temps.

Fa fred a fora i només portes una samarreta curta
Tinc la sang fred fins i tot amb un dessuadora
Comences amb la teva nit bebent per quilos
Jo no, sé que ho saps


D'alguna manera acabem del mateix costat
I tu no pensaves que estaríem bé
Fins i tot els nostres ulls són de diferents colors
Però veiem bé


Here are the original lyrics in English:

WHY- Sabrina Carpenter

You like New York city in the daytime
I like New York city in the nighttime
You say you like sleeping with the air off
I don't, I need it on
You like the light coming through the windows
I sleep late, so I just keep 'em all closed
You ignore the music on the radio
I don't, I sing-a-long
I don't ask for you to change, baby no no no
And you don't ask for me to change
Tell me how we're not alike
But we work so well and we don't even know why
Funny how the stars crossed right
'Cause we work so well and we don't even know why
You can call it fire and ice
But we work so well and we don't even know why
We don't even know why, no no
We don't even know why, no no no
No no no no
We like it in the daytime
We like it in the end of time
No no no no
We like it in the daytime
We like it in the end of time
Cold outside and you're just in a t-shirt
I have cold blood even in a sweater
You start your night sippin' by the kilo
I don't, I know you know
Somehow we end up on the same side
And you wouldn't think that we'd be alright
Even our eyes are different colors, but we see fine
Somehow we end up on the same side (up on the same side)
And you wouldn't think that we'd be alright (think that we'd be alright)
Even our eyes are different colors, but we see fine

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