dijous, 31 de maig del 2018

Stay alert for a cyber-attack; that's what you must to avoid it

Imatge il·lustrativa

FBI, the north-american agency of inteligence, has recommend  to restart routers of all around the world because of the risk of a cyber-attack and to change the access password. This warning has been explicated this morning by a radio program called "El món a RAC1" and the same information has been also shared by the local police, els Mossos d'Esquadra, on Twitter.

The origin of this problem is the "infection" that a cybercriminals had thrown out to more than 500,000 devices in 54 countries. "With this action you will avoid to be a victimi of a cyber-attack", add the catalan police.

FBI believes that this attack could come from Russia and the responsibles of it aimed to compile users' information and to destroy devices, a part from use them as an antenna to amplify the attack. A threat that may finish with the connection of a zone or run all the routers againt a specific objective. Although FBI hasn't set which may be the motivations of the hackers, several media claim that their intention was to take profit of the Champions final to make a global cyber-attack.


Restart- reiniciar aparell electrònic
Throw out- lanzar
Devices- dispositius
Antenna- antena
Run- dirigir
Aim- tenir com a objectiu alguna cosa
Compile- recopilar

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