dimecres, 2 de maig del 2018

Do you think humour is necessary?

Have you ever wondered why the scientists tell us to smile every day? It's a simple action to do but, which are the benefits and which scientific explication do they have?

We all know that in our daily lives we laugh, at least once, and we also know that not alway our smiles are true. Sometimes we force a smile, as we can see at the DNI photo, maybe  we fake a smile in front of people who we don't really get along with, or a knowing smile when you and your friend understand each other without even talk.

But, what we don't know is that every time we laugh or smile, even if it's fake, our brains emit and order to produce special substances known as endorphins, related to morphine, that apart from relieve the pain, they protect our body from virus and bacterias, among other benefits.

Firstly, laughter can provide us with mental healthy benefits. It makes us more positive, optimistic and it helps us to find new ways of meaning and hope when we are depressed. Laughter increases our energy and allows us to see difficult situations in a more realistic view. These are the main reasons why the "therapeutic laughter therapy" has became this popular. This therapy involves grup or individual sessions that use shows, movies or stories to stimulate laughter and makes us happier.

Secondly, it can be used to treat heat conditions and high blood pressure and increases the number of antibody producing cells. Adding to that, laughter can strenghten immune system and it diminishes pain.

Thirdly, it improves social health benefits. It brings people together and strenghtens relationship. Why? Because laughter allows us to be more spontaneos, let go of defensiveness and express our true feelings. Moreover, humour is a key to success at work. If you ara a manager or an employee, you'll enjoy more your job: people will have a good time working with you, it helps creative thinking and build trust, it boosts morale plus allows your company to stand out.

"A day without laughter is a day wasted"


Endorphin- endorfina
Relieve- aliviar
Clinician- metge
Trigger- desencadenar
Postulate- proposar
Nurture- promoure
Ease- facilitat
Shift- moure, desplaçar
Boost morale- aixecar la moral
Approachable- amigable
Stand out- destacar

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