dijous, 31 de maig del 2018

This is what makes men more attractive, according to the science

Imatge il·lustrativa

A study done by the Cambridge University and published this month in the scientific website of the Royal Society Open Science claims that the men's attractive is found in their limbs. In particular, researchers claim that boys with proportioned legs - the ones that measure a little bit more than the half of the boy's heigh- turn out to be more attractive.

According to the autor of the study, Thomas Versluys, society prefers men with proportioned limbs for a traditional question. Scientifics say that slim and long legs are associated in a good shape and in a good healthy state, two characteristics that which we all always have in mind when it comes to fall in love with someone.

Having said that, it's necessary to highlight that the investigation is only focused on the physical appearance and it doesn't include other relevant features. When you want to find someone the pysichal attraction is important, but it's not as outstanding as getting along with your partner or trusting in each other.


Claim- assegurar
Limbs- extremitats humanes
Researcher- investigador
Highlight- destacar
Physical appearance- aspecte físic
Outstanding- important
Having said that- ara bé

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