diumenge, 4 de març del 2018

These are the 10 best cities of the world for teenagers, according to a new study

The millenials, the gereation borned between 1980 and 2000, it's charachterized not only for their control of the new technologies, but also for their traveller spirit. That was revealed for several studies during the last years, like the one published by the search's motor of Nestpick's lodgings.

In particular, this new analisys is focused on examinte 110 cities around the world to find what could offer each one to the millenials. To do it, they kept in mind different factors such as the price of the flats, the opportunities to find job, the immigrants' tolerance, the public transport, the party... The results situate Berlin as the best city for the young people, followed by Montreal and London. These countries are the top 10:

1. Berlin

2. Montreal

3. London

4. Amsterdam

5. Toronto

6. Vancouver

7. Barcelona

8. New York

9. Colonia

10. Manchester

-Reveal: revelar.
-Lodging: allotjament.
-Traveller spirit: esperit viatger.

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