divendres, 1 de desembre del 2017

Do we really know what we eat?

Nowadays we think we eat quite healhy but that's a lie. In the majority of the aliments, no ecological, that we cosume, are plenty of additives like pesticides, insecticides and fertilisers.

For example, the no-ecological fruit has more pesticides than we expected. The peers have almost 50 different kind of these chemical subtances, strawberries have over than 20 and the apples have 32 pesticides. Is it a lot, right? That's what I thought after searching this information. But I haven't finished yet. Here's a list of one of the most damaging aliments we shouldn't eat daily:

-Vegetal oils

These aliments may cause cancer because they contain nitrates, potassium bromate, propyl gallate, BHA and BHT, which are all preservatives.

Here's another list with another damaging food for our health:

-Cupcakes (include propylparaben which cause femenine infertility)
-Fast food (contains phosphats which cause cardiovascular illnesses)
-Chocolate and energetic soft-drinks (produce negative effecte in the animal development due to theobromine)

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