divendres, 1 de desembre del 2017

Only a 5% of the people don't let theirselves to be fooled by this optical illusion

What do you see in this photo? A group of rectangles? The 95% of the people see it.

The creator of this optical illusion which its objective is trick our brain, is called Anthony Norcia and he designed it in 2017 (this year). He took advantage from our "weakness" that has our brains to recognize easier the square and rectangle shapes than the circular ones.

With this premise. he designed an image where there are some circles hidden, but at first sight, we're unable to see them because the human brain can't interpret these kind of shapes. Most of the people take some seconds to identify the circles, but once you get it, it seems the easiest thing in the world.


The first thing I saw was the circles and then, after few seconds, I could see also the rectangles, looking as a door. It's very weird because, according to this news, the first thing I should see would be the circle shapes. Maybe I'm within this 5% of the people who didn't let theirselves to be fooled by this image...

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