dimarts, 30 de maig del 2017


Every day each person in the world smiles, minimun, 20 times pro day. I'm also sure that every one of us has made a false smile when we have to wave at our enemy, a flirty smile to the person we love or a predicament's smile when someone takes us a photo for the DNI. However, I want you to inspire smile every day because it has a lot of advantages. Now, I'll tell you 7 reasons why you should do it:

1. Smile to be happier. If you smile, a substances called endorphins are released from our brain to all the body, making us feel this feeling.

2. Smile to cause positive feelings. It's very important to smile because this doesn't only have an affect to you, it affects the others as well. The responsibles of this affect are the "mirror neurons".

3. Smile because the others trust you. It will help you to look more confident, generous and with empathy.

4. Smile because the others forgive you. When you make a mistake it's recomendable to smile because you seem sorry for what you did and even if you aren't feel sorry, you will have more probabilities that others forgive you.

5. Smile to find solutions, Have you ever feel very stressed when you can't find out the solution of a problem? The only thing you have to do it smiling. You'll periphal vision will be bigger and this will help you to be more creative.

6. Smile to seduce. A university made a study which the women tried to seduce a group of men looking or smiling at them. The case that worked better was smiling at them considering that the 60% of men were seduced while in the other case they only could seduced the 20%.

7. Smile to live longer. Also an other study discovered that the people who smiled more in their life lived an average of seven years more than the other who didn't do it

Resultado de imagen de smile tumblr
Link of the photo

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