dissabte, 27 de maig del 2017

Japan's princess renounce to her titles after falling in love with a classmate

Princess Mako of Japan, nephew of the emperors, has decided to renounce her post to get married with the boy who loves but does not belong to any aristocratic family. The couple has announced that they're gonna get married the following year, for that reason Mako will lose all her titles of princess and the privileges of the imperial life because in this country is forbidden that royal ladies get married with a plebeian.

The girl met Kei Komuro when both of them started study at the Leicester's University, they fell in love and at the beginning they started dating in secret because the family of her didn't want that Mako was with any boy who didn't belong to nobility. Finally, she decided to say it in public, now that she represents the Crown of Japan.

I think that the princess needed a lot of courage to be against her relatives and her love towards Kei was also very strong to renounce to all her titles, which were so important. The first time I read this I thought this was like a Disney's couple stories which they would lose all the things only for love. This story is very unbelievable and romantic.

If you click here you will see the full news.


Renounce: renunciar
Forbidden: prohibir
Plebeian: pleveu

Link of the photo

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