dimecres, 29 de novembre del 2017


"Unusual travel words with beatiful meanings"? What does it mean?

I am a lover of words, and that's why I want to write down the most unusual and strange words I've ever read but also the ones who have a big meaning for their size.

Have you ever felt that your emotions are bigger than words and you can't express yourserf? I'm sure you've never tried to turn to another language! There are lots of words of different languages like French, Japanese or Greek that can help us to express perfectly what we want to transmit. Below, there are some of them:

- Petrichor (n) The pleasant, earthy smell after rain.
I love rainy days, but the best of all is when it finishes and "leaves its tracks".

- Acatalepsy (n) The idea that it is impossible to truly comprehend anything.
I usually think a lot about the life and how the world was created. I get crazy with all this stuff.

- Nepenthe (n) Something that can make you forget grief or suffering.
Sometimes you feel bad with yourself and there's always a friend that will be always by your side, making you forget about all the things that annoys you.

- Duende (n) The mysterious power of art to deeply move a person.
There's a teacher that can make me feel like that. It's like a superpower.

- Shinrin-yoku (n) Literally "forest bathing"- a visit to the forest for relaxation and to improve one's health.
As I said before, I love rain, and that's why I like to wander inside the woods and relax my mind.

- Ikigai (n) A reason for being; the thing that gets you up in the morning.
Every day I have a reason to get up from my bed at 6:45 AM, but it has to be a good reason. Otherways, I wouldn't get up to go to que high school.

- Underthink (v) To not fully consider or analyse, opposite of overthinking.
That would help me a lot in my daily life.

- Empêchement (n) An unexpected last minute change plans.
That's what we do spontaneos persons like me.

- Tu chantes du yaourt: Literally "you sing yoghurt"- singing made up words or sounds when you don't know the lyrics to a song.
This expression defines me very good because I like korean songs, so most of them I don't know the lyrics.

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