dijous, 30 de novembre del 2017

What does someone running after you mean?

There are different interpretations of some of the most recurrent dreams. For example, dream that someone is running after you. Most of us we lived this anxiety situation in some of our dreams and it's isn't pleasant at all. But what does it mean when it repeats more than once?

The most common interpretation for this kind of dream defends that it can be relate to stressful problems. Actually, it's comfirmed that the persons who dream this have something pending to resolve really important for them. On the other hand, it can point out that you aren't reaching your goals that you decided and this situation causes nightmares.

And can we avoid bad dreams?

We can't control the dreams, therefore, they are difficult to avoid. The best way to try to get it is distracting our problems and those things that worry us watching a film, reading a book, listening to the radio until you fall asleep. Doing these activities, we avoid to go to bed brooding on something that will cause us nightmares.


I've never had a nightmare which someone was running after me, but I wrote this news because the topic of dreams it's very interesting for me; how the subconscious gives us some messages when we're sleeping. Only a few people are able to understand some of their dreams and that's very important to know what we really want, need or fear.

dimecres, 29 de novembre del 2017


"Unusual travel words with beatiful meanings"? What does it mean?

I am a lover of words, and that's why I want to write down the most unusual and strange words I've ever read but also the ones who have a big meaning for their size.

Have you ever felt that your emotions are bigger than words and you can't express yourserf? I'm sure you've never tried to turn to another language! There are lots of words of different languages like French, Japanese or Greek that can help us to express perfectly what we want to transmit. Below, there are some of them:

- Petrichor (n) The pleasant, earthy smell after rain.
I love rainy days, but the best of all is when it finishes and "leaves its tracks".

- Acatalepsy (n) The idea that it is impossible to truly comprehend anything.
I usually think a lot about the life and how the world was created. I get crazy with all this stuff.

- Nepenthe (n) Something that can make you forget grief or suffering.
Sometimes you feel bad with yourself and there's always a friend that will be always by your side, making you forget about all the things that annoys you.

- Duende (n) The mysterious power of art to deeply move a person.
There's a teacher that can make me feel like that. It's like a superpower.

- Shinrin-yoku (n) Literally "forest bathing"- a visit to the forest for relaxation and to improve one's health.
As I said before, I love rain, and that's why I like to wander inside the woods and relax my mind.

- Ikigai (n) A reason for being; the thing that gets you up in the morning.
Every day I have a reason to get up from my bed at 6:45 AM, but it has to be a good reason. Otherways, I wouldn't get up to go to que high school.

- Underthink (v) To not fully consider or analyse, opposite of overthinking.
That would help me a lot in my daily life.

- Empêchement (n) An unexpected last minute change plans.
That's what we do spontaneos persons like me.

- Tu chantes du yaourt: Literally "you sing yoghurt"- singing made up words or sounds when you don't know the lyrics to a song.
This expression defines me very good because I like korean songs, so most of them I don't know the lyrics.


This time I would like to write about my favourite sport. It isn't only and entertainment: for me it has a big meaning. It's like an escape from the reality because when I play it I feel I can forget all the worries and I can totally relax my mind. Volley it's like a "recess" for my brain. Since I'm in the high school I get stressed very often and that's why I need a break in my student life.

File:20130330 - Vendée Volley-Ball Club Herbretais - Foyer Laïque Saint-Quentin Volley-Ball - 122.jpg

I started playing volleyball last year because I thought I needed to do some sport. At the beginning, the first year, it was cool to play it and it was also very fun, but there was something in this sport that didn't "fit in" with my personality. For this reason, this summer I wanted to change to another activity and leave volley, if it wasn't that I started watching one anime series called Haikyuu.

Resultado de imagen de haikyuu
Haikyuu written in Japanese

This series is about a japanese guy that loves volley but, unfortunately, he hasn't any team to join in and no skills neither. Haikyuu explains the story of this boy and, further on, of his volley team and how they raise up to become one of the best teams of Japan.

I know it seems nonsense but it really helped me to go forward with the volleyball and it taught me which are the values or principles to play a good volleyball and not give up.

dissabte, 18 de novembre del 2017


ISFJs are quiet, observant, and thoughtful. They are interested in maintaining order and harmony, avoiding fast-moving cars, and respecting everyone's feelings. They are often described by the few people who know them deeply as being incredibly sensitive and trustworthy.

3 careers for me:

-Insurance Policy Processing Clerks.
-Word Processors and Typists.
-File Clerks.

dissabte, 4 de novembre del 2017



I think these results are not very accurate, considering that I have a super intrapersonal intelligence and I only filled 63 per cent of the bar. However, the Bodily-Kinesthetic is the bar more filled but it isn't, according to how I am, my best intelligence. I'm also a very naturalistic person who loves wander into the woods and take care of insects and plants, but the Naturalistic bar filled 42%. I agree with the other intelligences like Linguistic, Visual-Spatial and Interpersonal percentage.


1. Actress
2. Designer
3. Dancer
4. Athlete
5. Forest ranger


I can' tell I have only a single hero because that would be a lie. There are a lot of people that influences me in a good way in my daily life. That depends on what situation I have to face and on what attitudes do my friends or family have to help me.

For example, one of my best friends, Laia, is one of the most friendly and charming persons I've never met. She's always very kind to everyone and she has a lot of friends too. Sometimes I can even get jealous of her!

Cels is the craziest boy in the world. I love to spend time with him. Together, doing our crazy jokes, is impossible to stop us. Although is very wierd to think, he's also very polite. If I had to go, for instance, in an important restaurant with somebody I would clearly take Cels with me.

So often, when I have problems or I have to tell a secret to somebody, I always count on Àlex and Lise. They give me the best advices and they want the best for me. During these years, they have demostrated they are trustworthy, honest and, above all, loyal persons.

There also other friends that can help daily with my studies. For examle, Mireia is for me a good influence that encourges me to have good marks, because she's really hard-working.

Júlia is also a fantastic student but when I think of her, I think of her self-confident which helps me to improve my self-esteem.

Last but not least, there's my sister Teia. She's obviously one of the most important persons in my life. Sincerely, she rarely helps me when I need her but involuntarily her cheerful character makes me happy and proud of myself to have her as my sister.