dijous, 16 de març del 2017


This T-shirt I bought it in a Mango's shop, when I was going shopping with my mother. The first time I saw it, my eyes went to the quote which was written in white letters in the middle of the T-shirt and I started reading it: "I always safe the best flavors for the end". I felt very identified with this message because always that I have to eat something, I eat first the food that I don't like and then the one which I like the most such as the ice cream.

Once I read the quote I wanted to buy it immediatly!

This T-shirt was on sales, in Bershka. I found very ugly T-shirts but this one, it's missage shocked my. It was exactly the kind of clothes I was searching. It's says: "Blah, Blah, Blah... No excuses. Thank you".

There are a lot of people that sometimes, when you decide to meet with them or they do no do their homework, in the last moment they say: "Ups, sorry! I've made a plan before" or "I forgot it at home/ My dog ate my homework" and when this happens, this quote comes to my mind.

These quotes say in catalan:
La vida no és sempre perfecte, però et dóna el que et mereixes, per tant sigues tu mateix.
Mai permetis a algú que et robi la teva felicitat, si estàs buscant a l'amor de la teva vida.
La vida és un llarg viatge.
Si et trobes en un carrer sense sortida, intenta algo nou.
El bé que fagis avui, ningú ho oblidarà.
Si vius cada dia com si fos l'últim, disfrutaràs més fàcilment cada moment.
Envolta't de persones que sempre estaran per tu, evita les altres.
No desitgis res, no t'esperis res, agafa la vida com ve, i mai t'arrepenteixis de les decisions que has pres.

These quotes are a simple way to say you what you must do to be happy.
Simple actions that will improve your life and make it better.

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