dijous, 16 de març del 2017


This T-shirt I bought it in a Mango's shop, when I was going shopping with my mother. The first time I saw it, my eyes went to the quote which was written in white letters in the middle of the T-shirt and I started reading it: "I always safe the best flavors for the end". I felt very identified with this message because always that I have to eat something, I eat first the food that I don't like and then the one which I like the most such as the ice cream.

Once I read the quote I wanted to buy it immediatly!

This T-shirt was on sales, in Bershka. I found very ugly T-shirts but this one, it's missage shocked my. It was exactly the kind of clothes I was searching. It's says: "Blah, Blah, Blah... No excuses. Thank you".

There are a lot of people that sometimes, when you decide to meet with them or they do no do their homework, in the last moment they say: "Ups, sorry! I've made a plan before" or "I forgot it at home/ My dog ate my homework" and when this happens, this quote comes to my mind.

These quotes say in catalan:
La vida no és sempre perfecte, però et dóna el que et mereixes, per tant sigues tu mateix.
Mai permetis a algú que et robi la teva felicitat, si estàs buscant a l'amor de la teva vida.
La vida és un llarg viatge.
Si et trobes en un carrer sense sortida, intenta algo nou.
El bé que fagis avui, ningú ho oblidarà.
Si vius cada dia com si fos l'últim, disfrutaràs més fàcilment cada moment.
Envolta't de persones que sempre estaran per tu, evita les altres.
No desitgis res, no t'esperis res, agafa la vida com ve, i mai t'arrepenteixis de les decisions que has pres.

These quotes are a simple way to say you what you must do to be happy.
Simple actions that will improve your life and make it better.


Roy Martin is a divorce lawyer since 1996 and he has learnt necessarily a lot of stuff about love, the live with a couple and a marriage and he said:

"I've learnt that the action to love someone truly is not enough. The marriage needs an agreement when you want to feel good the other person who must need also be deeply admired".

4 Things that you need to ask yourself bedore get married with someone:

 1. If you will want to stay with your couple when you get older.
2. If you will want to accompany him/her for months or years in chemotherapy sessions if your couple suffers cancer.
3. If you will want to take care of this person such as a baby when he/she can't do it.
4. If you consider a privilege to stay next to him/her for ever.

I am completly with Roy. A lot of people, currently, are getting married without being sure that this will last forever and every time, is very common to see your friend's parents divorced. There are relations that won't last although are very deep in this moment because this doesn't mean that will last when they get older. I think that the list he done will be very useful to the future couples who will want to get married.


-Lawyer: Advocat
-Chemotherapy: Quimioteràpia
-Triumph: Triumfar

dimecres, 15 de març del 2017


One of the things that I like the most is meet with one of my best friends, Isabela, and watch one of Studio Ghibli's films every Friday night. This studio is a japenese fill producer which was founded in 1985 by Hayao Miyazaki and Isao Takahata which are the directors of almost all the films of it. Maybe you have seen one before or you will recognise it's studio's mascot: Totoro.


My favourite director is Hayao Miyazaki. His films are so shocking, amazing and incredible for me. He's like my God. Since I was very little I've loved all his films. I've saw them more than five times each other and I've never get bored to replay them over and over again.

These are the three most famous films of Studio Ghibli:

1. Princess Mononoke

2. Spirited Away

3. How's Moving Castle

dimarts, 14 de març del 2017


Sheryl is an australian blogger who has two sons: Kuya (3 years old) and Thomas (4 months old). The last son, when he was born, he was diagnosed with a terminal cancer and now he won't life so long. Kuya, even though he's only three, knows the hard situation that lives his brother.

The following story was written by his mother, together with a photo, in her Instagram's account.
This is what happened:

Her family was in vacation, her husband was in the kitchen while she was preparing a bath for her kids when, suddenly, she didn't hear any sound from her living room where there were his sons. There was too much calm, and she decided to take a look. She found her old son laying down on the sofa, just next to Thomas, stroking his face and whispering something... Sheryl paid more attention and that's how she can finally listen what he was saying: "You're old brother is here. Nothing can go wrong..."

This setence is very emotional and shocking at the same time because is from a little kid's mouth!
I've always think that, between sisters or brothers, there's like a special relationship, it's not  a simple love, it's more than that. They complement each other. Nothing can replace this strong relation!


-Diagnose: Diagnosticar.
-Stroke: Acaricar.
-Replace: Substituir.


This photo was taken three years ago, in 2014, in the summer vacation which we spent three days in a little village called Llavorsí in the Pyrenees. We were there in a four stars hotel in the middle of the mountains and every day we did an excursion around the forests which were very leafy and there were a lot of different types of trees such as firs or pines. At the top of the mountain, there was a big lake. It's water seemed grey and there were also tuna fish. The day that we did this trip was very foggy and cloudy which this made that the landscape was more lugubrious.

Another day we wanted to do rafting, a sport which you must ride and row a plastic boad through a mighty river (in the following image we are doing rafting and I am in the front of the boat). In the boat, apart of my family, there was also a funny teacher who taught us the rules and how to distribute our weight on it to do not fall off into the cold water and he was the responsible of the tiller too.

There was a time, when the boad went very fast, the teacher turned left towards a big rock in one of the sides of the large river and, one second left before crashing with it, he turn right, in the correct way and he said "Ups, sorry, my contact lent fell of into the water and I can't see very far".

Of course, in that moment, we were very scared, luckly it was just a funny joke!

diumenge, 12 de març del 2017


One man found a little penguin coated of oil in a Brasil's beach and he decided to help and take care of him until the animal was totally recovered. Since then, both have became inseperable, and the penguin returns, every year, to meet again with his old friend.

 This brasilian man was very surprised because he hadn't got any idea that he will come back to expressed his gratitude for look after him.

The penguin swims more than eight thousand kilometres every time that he returns to Brasil. The man who took care of him said: "Nobody, apart from me, can touch him because, if other person do it, he bite them".

Since four years, this loyal animal has return every year.


I think that this event it's so amazing, the relationship that can exist between animals and humans. When I see this new for the fist time I couldn't believe it was real, I thought it was just a kind of joke or a fake new. After that, I started to search for more information or videos, and finally I watched many videos that belied my first hypothesis.
The penguin recovered by oil is a real proof of the ocean's pollution. Is like a message that we must try to do not throw the trush, that we must take care of our environment.


-Recovered: Recuperat
-Coated: Cobert
-Look after: Cuidar

dimarts, 7 de març del 2017

Sebastião Salgado's Photo

Last week we went to Girona to see a guide tour of some photos of the famous photographer Sebastião Salgado. This collection is called Genesis because all the images are from some of the most remote parts of the world which its landscapes are untouched by humans. These photos are taken in black and white because he thinks that, if he do it without colors, our eyes will be focused on the content, which is the part most important of the image and because if the photo wouldn't be white and black there will be details that we won't detect or perceive such as, in this case, the drops of water that are falling out of the whale's tail or the light on its skin.

Its tail is in the foreground, and we can see the grey mountains behind it, in the background. This photo was taken in a eye level shot.

When I saw this photo for the first time it was very striking and spontaneous because the photographer was in the foreground, just in front of the whale, touching his boat or ship! Kind of dangerous too!

If I were him, I won't never take this photo! He was also so brave!

Resultado de imagen de sebastiao salgado cola de ballena