dijous, 15 de juny del 2017


Nowadays, instead of fast und unhealthy food or bad diet, there is in the market a new product which is a drink that contains the necessary vitamins and energy for us.

On one hand, it's an affordable drink which is easy to fine in almost all the supermarkets and, even when you can't get it, you can get the formula to make the drink. It's also very nourishing and healthy with the enough nutrients that our body needs to do its functions. For people who is not good at cooking at all, this is their perfect daily meal. Soylent is an easy way to prepare something simple with less time when you're late, for example, at work or school in the morning.

On the other hand, the ingridients that you put in Soylent are chemicals and not fresh. Moreover, for people who love eating (chewing) they won't like this product because they will get bored.

My conclusion is that Soylent is a good meal because it's faster than other food and when you don't have time you can drink it in a second, but when you have enough time to cook is better that you eat natural and fresh food to combine both things because is not healthy to eat always the same.

Resultado de imagen de soylent
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