dimecres, 9 de novembre del 2016


Why I think the world should end:

1. The air is pulled
2. The animals are going extinct
3. Education is shot
4. More people want 15 seconds of fame
5. What's popular is more important than what's right
6. Politicals trick us
7. 92% of songs are about sex
8. Kids play twerk videos
9. The average person watches 5 hours of television a day
10. It's more violence on the screen than ever before
11. Money is still the root of all evil
12. The peole are depressed
13. The police are corrupt
14. The jobs don't pay enough
15. Videos of the misfortunes go viral
16. Presidents lie
17. We can't live with each other
18. The economy's collapsed
19. We can't live with ourselves
20. Race still an issue

"There are states where peole can legally be discriminated against because they were born a certain way"

I think that the rasicm it's a really stupid thinking because we all are humans, we have the same opportunities and rights. Only because some people have pale or dark skin and diferents religions we descriminate them. We are all equal!


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