dimarts, 20 de desembre del 2016




On the 7th, when we went with wheelchair around Sant Gregori, we discovered that there were many disability friendy things in the street. For exemple, in some crossings, to go through the main road, there were small slopes for people who must go with wheelchairs and if we go on foot it's imperceptible to see these little things. Carles, a guy who in his fifteen years became paralytic, taught us how use a wheelchair and he showed us his car, which was adapted to his necessities.

On the 13th of December, we went in a sport meeting in the Fontajau's Sportcenter where there were some high schools of Girona and schools of disabilty guys who had physical or sensory disabilities. I was the 5th group, and there were two boys with physical disabilities. We played many games together and we helped them to play all the sports. We didn't play so good but we had a good time making happy the other people with disabilities. At the beginning, I thought it will be very boring but when I started playing with them I was very sorprised because only for do sport with us they were very happy.


-Most of the crossings have a slow slope but there are some of them that haven't got it yet.
-In the street, where there are planted trees, the flowerpots where they are growing, are a little bit deep. So when we went with wheelchair, some of us, our wheels "es van encallar" there.
-In a spring that we find in a park, when we had to drink, our wheel "en van encallar" in the mesh strainer because it had the separations very wide.


dimarts, 22 de novembre del 2016


All of me (John Legend)

Què faria jo sense la teva boca intel·ligent?
Que m'atrau a dins, i tu em fas fora.
Has aconseguit rodaments al meu cap, no em prenguis el pèl, no em puc aturar-me.
Què està passant dins aquesta ment meravellosa,
Estic en el teu viatge màgic i misteriós
Estic molt marejat, no sé què em fa mal, però estaré bé.

El meu cap sota l'aigua
Però respiro bé.
Estàs boja i jo estic fora de la meva ment.

Perquè tot jo
t'estima tota tu,
M'encanten les teves curves i totes les vores
Totes les teves imperfeccions perfectes.
Dóna'm tota tu
i jo et donaré tot de mi
Tu ets el meu final i el meu començament
Fins i tot quan perdo, guanyo
perquè et donc tot de mi
i tu tot de tu.

Quants cops t'hauré de dir
que fins i tot quan plores ets guapa també?
El món se't cau avall, estic al teu costat en cada canvi d'humor.
Tu ets la meva perdició,  la meva mussa,
La meva pitjor distracció, el meu ritme i blues.
No puc parar de cantar, està sonant, en el meu cap per tu.

El meu cap sota l'aigua
Però respiro bé.
Estàs boja i jo estic fora de la meva ment.

Perquè tot jo
t'estima tota tu,
M'encanten les teves curves i totes les vores
Totes les teves imperfeccions perfectes.
Dóna'm tota tu
i jo et donaré tot de mi
Tu ets el meu final i el meu començament
Fins i tot quan perdo, guanyo
perquè et donc tot de mi
i tu tot de tu.

Dóna'm tot de tu
Les cartes sobre la taula, els dos mostrem cors
Arriscant-ho tot, encara que sigui difícil.

Perquè tot jo
t'estima tota tu,
M'encanten les teves curves i totes les vores
Totes les teves imperfeccions perfectes.
Dóna'm tota tu
i jo et donaré tot de mi
Tu ets el meu final i el meu començament
Fins i tot quan perdo, guanyo
perquè et donc tot de mi
i tu tot de tu.

Et donc tot de mi,
i tu em dons tot de tu.

The song is about a couple that are both in love but specially the man who is very in love with her girlfriend beacuse he loves all her imperfections and he loves also her when she is not in the best mood, in every way. So, I think the song wants to represent that he's like "the best boyfriend" and symbolizes the maximum level of love towards somebody.

This song was one of my favourites because,I loved and I still love, the romantic lyrics and melody of it.


-Dizzy: Marejat
-Edge: Vora
-Downfall: Perdició

divendres, 18 de novembre del 2016


I think that at the beggining I was really nervous but then, after two minutes presenting, I was more relax. In my presentation I put almost all the content that the teacher said we have to put it. But when I was presenting I spoke pretty fast because one of my classmate said my that I was speaking very quickly.

dimecres, 9 de novembre del 2016


Why I think the world should end:

1. The air is pulled
2. The animals are going extinct
3. Education is shot
4. More people want 15 seconds of fame
5. What's popular is more important than what's right
6. Politicals trick us
7. 92% of songs are about sex
8. Kids play twerk videos
9. The average person watches 5 hours of television a day
10. It's more violence on the screen than ever before
11. Money is still the root of all evil
12. The peole are depressed
13. The police are corrupt
14. The jobs don't pay enough
15. Videos of the misfortunes go viral
16. Presidents lie
17. We can't live with each other
18. The economy's collapsed
19. We can't live with ourselves
20. Race still an issue

"There are states where peole can legally be discriminated against because they were born a certain way"

I think that the rasicm it's a really stupid thinking because we all are humans, we have the same opportunities and rights. Only because some people have pale or dark skin and diferents religions we descriminate them. We are all equal!


dimarts, 25 d’octubre del 2016


-The beaver could be a symbolism animal that works diligently and also likes enjoy playing, have fun and games. Specially, the beaver is an animal which shares quality time with family (it reminds the people who is usually separate to themselves and their families to take time for them). The meaning of this animal is clearer understanding of our subconscious thoughts and dreams, an ability to mold our thoughts more constructively to suit our needs and to keep and reach our goals too.

Resultado de imagen de beaver